Our Medical Services

Your primary care office is your medical home and the right place to start when you need non-emergent care. Our medical providers manage chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, asthma, and diabetes as well as perform minor procedures such as laceration repair and abscess drainage. In addition, we have integrated mental health providers within the office to provide a range of mental health services to support our patients well-being.
For Emergencies: Call 911

Primary Services

Preventative & Maintenance Health Care

We perform yearly physical examinations, health promotion education, health screenings and ordering of appropriate tests for

Acute Care

We provide same day appointments to treat various acute illnesses and injuries such as


Mental Health Care

We provide telehealth therapy, couples therapy, family therapy and individual psychotherapy to patients 14 years and older.

Your Health Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

Or call — 302-829-1015

Better Health Care is Our Mission

24/7 service. Same Day Appointments are Available.

(302) 829-1015 (office) (302) 829-1016 (fax)


35247 Atlantic Avenue, Millville, DE